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Four New Videos + E.P. Rik van den Bosch

Rik van den Bosch is going to record four songs for new video material. These four songs will also become an exclusive edition of 100 c.d.'s The Band: Jorge Darocha/double bass, Carola Zafarana/vocals, Luis Bestard/drums and Gius Cobelli/production, percussion. Bernat Mestres, Brian Teuwen/video.

Rik van den Bosch

Un proyecto de


Creado en

De 1.700€
Aporta al proyecto

Escoge tu recompensa

Apóyalo con una donación

Aporta sin recompensa
Haz una donación altruista al proyecto sin recibir ninguna recompensa a cambio:

Hello there!

We´ve made, we reached the Goal of €1,700 and even more!

We still have five days left though!

– I have decided that all extra money will go in the first place to the Musicians, the Studio and Video making and Artworker of the EP. These people are usually underpaid anyway. And so far they have already put in a tremendous energy, enthusiasm, professionality and time into this project.
– I would like to make a few extra transparent 7inch vinyls as well

What was it all about again?

I am going to make three new making-of videos and one extra story-type video! I have to get in extra musicians and film-makers for this, all of who need paying in advance of any CD sales of course. We´ll have a whole band: Drums, Double bass, Guitars and extra vocals from a great female singer! The four songs we record for the videos will be put on an exclusive CD - limited edition to 100 copies.

I tried to find fitting rewards to the levels of money and trust put into my project with each pledge. For example, a 10EUR pledge will get you a digital download of the songs and a link to the video. Pledge a little more and you´ll get a signed CD... these kinds of things. It´s like buying the CD upfront.. or in the most extreme case, getting your own private house concert smile emoticon After 35 days I have been blown away to have pledges totaling up to €2000,-, which gets me way over to the goal of €1700,- I needed to upfront for this project.

I thank you so very much in advance for anything you meant and could possibly mean and I will do my part and make the nicest recordings and best videos possible and present this all to you after a month of having reached the goal!!

And if you know of anyone who might also be interested in what I´m doing, please share along!

Thanks forever!!

Many greets,

Rik van den Bosch

The songs that will be recorded are: When I lay my eyes on you, Love on the Rocks, Undertaker and Head full of Cotton whool.


The actual recording of the songs and making of the videos will take place around the same time of supposed reached goal, the first week of june.

The rewards (in particular the videos, cd's, download code and Postcards) should be ready within a month after the recordings, beginning july!!

What we need the money for

Is the following:

  • Recording/mixing/mastering of the songs at Taak-studio's €600,-

  • Making the Video's €600,-

  • Making 100 cd's €400,-

  • Postcards €100,-

Total: €1700,-

For more ongoing information on this project

I will keep you updated but do pass by every now and then yourself! You can also follow me on the following links:

Some video's of the past:


by Brian Teuwen and Aldo Chacon

Salt as the Sea

by Villi Asgeirsson

Website (under renovation)

Thank you so very much in advance. I am looking forward to my first Crowdfunding project and I am very excited to make it all happen with the help of you!

Rik van den Bosch

Meet the Band, Recording and Video Producers!!!!

  • Jorge Darocha is a great Double bass player who has just started his own singer song writer solo career as well, Now that is courage!

  • Carola Zafarana is a great Vocalist. Dutch in origin, but from many other places in soul Carola Zafarana

  • Luis Bestard has been drumming with me for a long time now. We have a new project together, a two man band called Ella Speed
    Ella Speed

  • Gius Cobelli is a Recording engineer, producer, percussionist/drummer, trumpet player, Italian and has his own studio called Taak Studio's,
    Taak studio

Bernat Mestres is an Audio Visual Producer (and he is also a great musician) But check out one of his video projects here:
Bernat Mestres

Brian Teuwen will work together with Bernat for the making of the Video clip!

He has made some more videos with me in the past, like this one, as part of 'the making of' my latest album 'Souvenirs'
Brian Teuwen

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#03 / New Pledge,......Vinyl

I added a 7 inch Vinyl for the Vinyl Lovers among us! Transparent!!

I will personalize your record, write on it, doodle on it and send it to you.

I will only make as many as I need, so who knows it s only you.....and me of course

let me know!

Many greets Rik

#01 / Rehearsing the songs!!!

We are well in week two of the Crowdfunding campaign now

It is going great 1290 euro´s already!!! Thanks so much!!! But still a big 400 to go and 25 days left, so tell all the people that could be interested. My big thanks in advance!!!

But it is also time for some news and presents,right? Right!

Today we ve been rehearsing with most of the band

On Double bass (the photo collage may be confusing though) Jorge Da Rocha,

Vocals Carola Zafarana, Gius Cobelli the producer. And Laura was a great audience and she made some great food!

Gius came by especially to get to know the musicians and the songs. Trying to figure out a recording plan, checking how fast the click track should be set, making demo recordings and all these things.

It was a lot of fun and the songs are a lot tighter now after rehearsing with these great musicians!

Here is a link for your eyes only, a part of the song the Undertaker, yeeess yeess I made a mistake and forgot my lyrics in the middle, but that s oke,

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