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Condom Hunters

Sex Education campaign normalizing shameless condom use in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Shadi Rabahi

Un proyecto de

Creado en

Beirut, Líbano
De 1.200€
Aporta al proyecto

Escoge tu recompensa

Apóyalo con una donación

Aporta sin recompensa
Haz una donación altruista al proyecto sin recibir ninguna recompensa a cambio:

New Goal!

A Huge Thank you to everyone who contributed so Far! Our new goal is 2,750€. See what we need the money for in the designated section below. If the new goal is reached, these rewards will be added:

- Private Online Screening + Q&A with every supporter!

- Invitation to the Premiere of the film.

- Hard Copy of "Fades" a book by Marc Basset.

About Condom Hunters

As a pilot for our series of projects tackling sex education in the Middle East, this one targets condom shaming.

The campaign Condom Hunters aims to normalize condom use and undermine the taboo surrounding it in the region.

Other than avoiding unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STIs, Condom Hunters will kick-start conversations about sexual health and its impact on our society.

In short social media videos, a comedic incident between a conservative daughter, a married man, and a sexually active young adult unravels in a Lebanese pharmacy and they all have the same goal: buying a condom!

After serving their purpose, the social media videos will transform into one short film aiming to raise awareness in an entertaining way for an audience of festival goers.

The Cast and Characters

Below are Raw Uncolored Stills from the shoot.

Salma Chalabi as Nada Barakat

Nada Barakat
Nada Barakat

Victoria Aoun as Youmna Barakat

Youmna Barakat
Youmna Barakat

Joyce Nasrallah as Dr. Lina Hilal

Dr. Lina Hilal
Dr. Lina Hilal

Ilias Christophoridis as Nader Geha

Nader Geha
Nader Geha

Hiba Chihane as Reem Hajj

Reem Hajj
Reem Hajj

Marc Basset as Amer Assaly

Amer Assaly
Amer Assaly

Micha Basset as Amer's mother

Amer's Mother

About the rewards

Just like the idea is coming from our souls, the rewards are as well. From our original pitch documents, to the stories and books we wrote, to the memes and our exciting wrap party in Beirut. Everything is coming from the heart.

Our stories and books are side projects we are extremely passionate about, so to have you read them before being published is an immense pleasure for us. We would be very happy for you to be such a close partner in our creative endeavors.

When we watch something we are often wondering how that thing developed into its final form, and we are sure some of you are itched by that curiosity as well, so by sharing our original pitch documents with you we would be feeding that curiosity and offering you a peek behind the curtain of the project you are supporting.

And last but never the least, the memes. come on, who doesn't want a meme of us in a stocking? like the one below.

(I'm sure you can be more creative with the text)

About us

We are friends in film.

Marc Basset is a biomedical engineer, writer, director and actor.
Shadi Rabahi is a writer, director, actor and producer.

In short, we both have a soft spot for social change through education and entertainment, so this project is a passion-project by excellence.

This project started during a workshop called "Filmmakers X NGOs" organized by ELDA (European Leadership and Debate Academy).

Our pitch won the first prize which is $700, and the admiration of ELDA and its partners Beirut Film Society, SheDares, INJAAZ, Men.Tell, and The German Foreign Office. After the workshop we got to work and a few generous sponsors joined our project, primarily Media Booth, FAQ Condoms, Captain Food, and On Board.

What do we need the money for?

Since we already managed to get through production unconditionally supported by our close friends, generous sponsors and wonderful volunteers, we will only be needing your support for post-production and distribution.

Your contribution will be spent like this:

  • $600(approx.545€): Editing / VFX / Color Grading

  • $400(approx.365€): Sound Design / Music / Mixing and Mastering

  • $300(approx.275€): Graphic Design (Poster/Promotional Material...)

  • $400(approx.365€): Marketing and Advertising

  • $400(approx.365€): Festival Submissions

  • $500(approx.455€): Film Premiere Screening Fees

  • $400(approx.365€): Wrap Party for Cast, Crew and You!

Estimated calendar

  • April 2023: Production + Launch Crowdfund.

  • May 2023: Post-production + Teasing + Rewards

  • June 2023: Project goes live! + Media Coverage.

  • July - August 2023: Prepare and start festival cycle.

P.S: Rewards will be distributed starting May.

Follow our progress on the Condom Hunters Instagram account, and please reach out with questions, suggestions or anything in between.

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1 comentario

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  • Sam Lahoud

    Sam Lahoud

    casi 2 años

    Good luck wonderful people ❤️

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