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"Generaciones", flamenco gitano de Sevilla en Dublín

La Cía. Flamenca María "la Serrana" va de gira Europea con dos familias de gitanos de Sevilla: de los Reyes y Amador. Queremos ir a Dublín. Hay afición en Irlanda, pero los directores de los teatros no tienen experiencia con el flamenco. Vamos a lanzarnos y alquilar un teatro. Apreciamos tu apoyo!

Maria "la Serrana"

Un proyecto de


Creado en

Dublín, Irlanda
De 2.000€
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#07 / deposit made

The deposit to the theatre is made and the contract signed! We are really doing this. Thank you so much again. I am still flabbergasted. We will get in touch soon with all mecenas!

#06 / last update

Hello dear supporters

We made it to our target and than some! I already got in touch with the pavillion theatre to see how to proceed and they will send me a contract this week. We will probably pay them next week and than the publicity snd ticketsales will start. So great.

We will stay in touch with you, most rewards will be sent to you after the show, like dvd and poster. For those who bought tickets: I will let you know if we put you on the guestlist or if we will buy the ticket in the theatre of your choice and send it to your home adress. Thank you so much for helping us and the flamenco art in general!

#05 / 24 hours left now

This is amazing, just 24 hours to go and due to very generous pledges in the last day I think we are actually going to make it! Thank you all so much for the support!

#04 / mucho interés

Estamos en camino de llegar a nuestro objetivo. Aparte de las generosas donaciones, nuestra campaña ha generado mucho interés. La tienda Flamenco y Más va a querer patrocinar la gira cuando llegue como empresa en cambio de publicidad. Allá vamos!

#03 / Gracias Flamenca y Mas

La empresa de Barcelona Flamenca y Más ha querido aydarnos con una publicidad y mención especial en su página web y Facebook. Les hemos podido conocer con en el 2013 con nuestra proyecto Esencia en Asociación flamenca barcelonesa el Dorado. Muchas gracias!

#02 / Wow!

For the first time since de started the project I really think we might hit the target and will be able to get to Dublín. Today travel agency who we work with made an incredible contribution. Still 13 days to go, keep spreading the word please.

#01 / First pledges received, spread the word please

Hello to all,

we are so happy and grateful to receive the first pledges. Thank you for believing in the and in the project. We still have a long way to go, and are very active to reah our target through facebook and Twitter. Especially twitter is going very wel, with loads of retweets. The information has reached thousand of followers at the moment. If you could help us by spreading the word to collegues, friends and art-lovers, that would be so appreciated! Especially those living in Ireland could let people know that they can book tickets via our crowdfunding project.

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