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AWAKE #Global Revolution

Película documental, creada por jóvenes cineastas, que narra desde dentro el despertar social ocurrido, desde la Puerta del Sol hasta Wall Street. Se hace un análisis crítico a traves de entrevistas a profesionales acerca de esta situación global que de una manera o de otra nos afecta a tod@s.

No Mames

Un proyecto de


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De 5.450€
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#01 / ENGLISH - AWAKE #Global Revolution

We are making a documentary film on what we conceive as a global awakening towards a crisis in values, financial structures and lack of political representation.

We have been filming since the evening of May 15th   in Madrid and developing the script of a documentary film called AWAKE. During this 7 months we have gathered exclusive footage of how Puerta del Sol  and Plaza Catalunya camps rose up and how they developed.

Today we continue filming interviews with academics, professionals from different sectors, Nobel prize winners (economy, alternative, peace,…), activist from Egypt, Iceland, Iran, Israel and USA, among others.

We travelled to the United States to Interview Noam Chomsky and filmed the beginning of the “Occupy Wall Street” in New York, a movement that has already spread all over the US and beyond its borders.

We have set our minds and wills on this project with the determination of showing, in the objective and direct way, why and how this movement came to be and how it has developed, from the crisis that it responds to, to the paths towards the systemic change that it demands.

As collaborators with the audiovisual commission in the Puerta del Sol camp, we believe it is a unique opportunity for the viewer to have an insight of how we have experienced this social awakening.

Our crew is based in Madrid and Barcelona, but we are in collaboration with colleagues from different parts of the world, from Melbourne or Tel Aviv, to New York, London, or Paris.

AWAKE also does a social, political and economical analysis through the voice of the interviews, like linguist, philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky, or Nobel peace price winner Shirin Ebadi. These personalities greatly contribute to enhance the depth of the project.

We are looking for funding for the production of the few interviews we have left, and mainly for the editing and postproduction processes (audio and video).

We are young professional dedicated to film and audiovisual creation, aiming to do a project in a collective, honest, original and free way. Our resources are limited, but we have extensive experience and lots of creative imagination. We have filmed everything at the lowest cost possible and our intention is that the whole production will follow from what we consider ethical principles, creative commons, free information and distribution.

We consider Verkami a good vehicle to eliminate the middleman from the production process and give the audience a chance to chose and contribute to those projects that they consider more interesting. In addition, they will receive the final product (AWAKE) without dealing with distributors.

To be in a coherent standpoint, making the production process as open and transparent as possible makes more sense in this collective project that narrates a global social awakening.

Everything has been shot and produced under minimum costs and with the help of various people that, either with their knowledge, skills or effort have helped in one way or another to make AWAKE a reality.

Donations cover several post-production costs such as: Hard drives, hardware, sound mix and master, coloring, animations, editing room, translations and subtitles into different languages.

At the same time we have scheduled various final interviews such as Susan George (in Paris) or Christian Felber (Austria) among others.

If you want to check out some of the work we’ve done so far, or any info about the way we work, please follow the links below:
-No Mames Films
-Previous Works
-Follow us on Facebook
-Twitter @NoMamesFilms.

No Mames films has been created by a “guerrilla” team that has shot all interviews and he camps of Madrid, Barcelona and Wall Street.

Directed and Written by: Nacho Penche & Tristán Rosa.
Production: Elena Molina, Blanca Peletero, Olga Iañez, Tristan Rosa
Camera: Alex Campos, Andres Gómez de Enterría, Jorge de la Higuera.
Editor: Oscar Gómez, Nacho Penche
Sound: Jaime Zugasti, Angel de Marco, Gregory De Carte.
Design: Olga Iañez, Daniel S. López de la Llave, Alejandra Gil.
Post-Production: Oscar Gómez, Alejandra Gil, Angel Revuelta.
Online Manager: Jose Reyes.


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#01 / ENGLISH - AWAKE #Global Revolution

We are making a documentary film on what we conceive as a global awakening towards a crisis in values, financial structures and lack of political representation.

We have been filming since the evening of May 15th   in Madrid and developing the script of a documentary film called AWAKE. During this 7 months we have gathered exclusive footage of how Puerta del Sol  and Plaza Catalunya camps rose up and how they developed.

Today we continue filming interviews with academics, professionals from different sectors, Nobel prize winners (economy, alternative, peace,…), activist from Egypt, Iceland, Iran, Israel and USA, among others.

We travelled to the United States to Interview Noam Chomsky and filmed the beginning of the “Occupy Wall Street” in New York, a movement that has already spread all over the US and beyond its borders.

We have set our minds and wills on this project with the determination of showing, in the objective and direct way, why and how this movement came to be and how

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