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Maarten Swaan and Annie Goodchild are back!

Síí! Ha llegado el momento! El 3er álbum de Maarten Swaan y su banda se grabará en marzo de 2013, con el productor Dave Bianchi en el Estudio Whatabout Músic de Barcelona! Pero eso no es todo! Annie Goodchild, con Maarten, fundador de Melou, formarán parte de este álbum! Necesitamos su apoyo! Ahora!

Maarten Swaan

Un proyecto de


Creado en

De 4.444€
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Esta foto fue tomada en 2005. Maarten Swaan había dejado Holanda para buscar aventuras en Guatemala, donde se encontró con Annie Goodchild. Formaron la banda Melou. Su vida como fisioterapeuta había acabado y en su lugar comenzaba una de

músico viajero.

En sus 4.5 años Melou grabó 2 álbumes: "Communication" y "Battery Park" y hicieron giras por Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. Al final Melou tocó su último concierto en 2009 y cada uno fue a lo suyo.

Maarten se trasladó a Barcelona, donde compuso y grabó sus álbumes en solitario: "Write me Notes" (2010) y un año después "Broken Bike". Con una banda formada por

Xavi Molero (batería), Miguel Serna (bajo) y Claudia Gomez (piano), Maarten hizo gira el año pasado por Holanda y Estados Unidos. Fue entonces cuando nació el 3º álbum de Maarten Swaan, 14 canciones que por supuesto grabaran en Whatabout Music Studios de Barcelona, con el productor Dave Bianchi.

Después de la disolución de Melou, Maarten y Annie se mantuvieron en contacto

y, durante unos años, tocaron algunos conciertos con Melou. Incluso empezaron a componer canciones nuevas durante sus encuentros. Este colaboración también se plasma en el nuevo álbum! Annie viajara al Barcelona desde su casa en Basel, Suiza, para grabar las partes vocales en 4-5 canciones del disco! Las cosas buenas nunca se desvanecen. . .

Las nuevas canciones del álbum tendrán un sonido más orgánico o, dicho

de otro modo, vamos a tratar de mantener el sonido de los instrumentos y las voces tal y como son realmente. Buscaremos la belleza en la pureza del sonido. El estilo seguirá la línea del sonido alternativo, independiente, influenciado por bandas como los Beatles, Coldplay, Iron and Wine, El Nacional, Bon Iver y Fiona Apple. No podemos revelar mucho más, pero los registros musicales del álbum

serán diversos, desde el tempo elevado hasta las canciones de cuna,

canciones bonitas para soñar. No hemos encontrado aún un nombre para el álbum. Este suele revelarse durante el proceso, pero os mantendremos informados sobre cualquier novedad!

Con tu ayuda las grabaciones empezaran el 16 de marzo y el disco se estrenara “online” el 9 de mayo de 2013.

Te pedimos una ayuda para poder financiar este proyecto. La música no es un

negocio rentable, pero la música es lo que hacemos y donde guardamos el corazón. Es una contribución al mundo! Con tu ayuda podemos realizar este álbum. Esta es tu oportunidad de formar parte! No la dejes escapar!

Annie Goodchild, Maarten Swaan & la banda.

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#04 / We are at 3.272 euro's!!! Help us to get to the finish!!!!

Dear friends, family and music lovers!

First of all, we have to thank all of the wonderful people who have helped us out so far in our fund raising process. THANK YOU!!! It is amazing where we already are! But we are not there yet! Just a little over a thousand euro's to go... And only 11 days left!!! It is absolutely possible!

Of course, as promised, we come back to you with a little reward from our side! We just uploaded pieces of 2 new tracks that will appear on the new album! The first one is called " Can't get enough of love" by Maarten and the other one is "Birds" by Annie herself. Listen to them and get a little bit of an idea where we are going with the new album! I Again, keep in mind these are demo recording, that were recorded at home, without band. It is just to give you an idea. We hope you enjoy!


Well, please keep supporting us, by pledging (everything is welcome), and if you have already contributed, you can still help us by spreading the word! We have 11 days left to get to our goal of 4444 euro's! We can do this!!!!

Have a beautiful week!

Annie, Maarten & the band

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#05 / Start of the recording!

Dear friends, family and music lovers!

As you all might have heard, thanks to all of you wonderful people

we have reached our goal with our Verkami Project! First of all we

want to thank you all so much for backing up this project! Without

your help we would have never been able to think about a new album!

We had 86 people who backed this album! Just incredible!

And, now, monday the 18th of March 2013 is the day that we actually

WILL start the recordings of the new album! HOW EXCITING!

It is the next step of the process. We have been busy the past months

writing the songs. Some of you might have even have heard some of them

when we performed then on tour in Holland.

Today we will start with the drums and bass. Later this week the rest of

the instruments and vocals will follow. The 24th of March Annie will arrive

to Barcelona and we will start the same process for the songs with her.

It promises to become a very diverse album, maybe less "organic" as

we at first

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#04 / We are at 3.272 euro's!!! Help us to get to the finish!!!!

Dear friends, family and music lovers!

First of all, we have to thank all of the wonderful people who have helped us out so far in our fund raising process. THANK YOU!!! It is amazing where we already are! But we are not there yet! Just a little over a thousand euro's to go... And only 11 days left!!! It is absolutely possible!

Of course, as promised, we come back to you with a little reward from our side! We just uploaded pieces of 2 new tracks that will appear on the new album! The first one is called " Can't get enough of love" by Maarten and the other one is "Birds" by Annie herself. Listen to them and get a little bit of an idea where we are going with the new album! I Again, keep in mind these are demo recording, that were recorded at home, without band. It is just to give you an idea. We hope you enjoy!


Well, please keep supporting us, by pledging (everything is welcome), and if you have already contributed, you

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#03 / Happy New Year!!!!

Hello everyone!

Of course, let us start of this message by wishing everyone a wonderful and musical Happy New Year! For us it is the start of an exciting year, in where we are recording our new album, what is of course for us something that we look very much forward to!

And to start the year right, we are treating you all with some new updates about the album! We just up-loaded 2 new demo pieces from songs that will appear on the album! The first one is "The better part of me" that Maarten wrote over the holidays and the 2nd one is "I'll be home for dinner time" that was written by Annie and Maarten about 4 years ago. It's a live recording from back in the day with the old Melou members! It will have the same vibe, but we have written some extra verses and a different ending. But it will be a happy song on the album!

Check it out here: https://soundcloud.com/m-swaan-a-goodchild

Enjoy the previews! And don't forget, we have only 20 days left to complete our goal!! So pledge

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#02 / Happy Holidays!

Dear music lovers,

First of all we would like to thank all the wonderful people who have already made their pledge! Thank you so much for your support! But please, keep helping us by spreading the word about this project. We are still far away from reaching our goal of 4444 euro's and without that, we will not be abled to record the album! We have 26 days left to make it! We believe in it, so please keep talking about it!

In "other news":

It is Christmas time, what brings us in the mood for sharing. From today on we will bit by bit post parts of demo tracks from the songs that will be on the new album!

The first one is "Change"

This is the very first collaboration between Annie and Maarten since the break up of their old band Melou. Remember, it is a demo version of the song. The final version will be sounding different, more produced, better quality and with band. But to give you just a little teaser, we show you something that we are working on!

Well, we hope you are

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#01 / Welcome!!!!!

Welcome to the fundraise site for the 3rd Album by Maarten Swaan & band in collaboration with Annie Goodchild! It has been over 3 years that Melou released her last album "Battery Park" and not a year ago "Broken Bike" was released by Maarten Swaan, but music keeps flowing! Now the preparations are made for this exclusive project, a full length album of 14 songs with the newest songs by Maarten and 4 or 5 songs performed by Annie!

The recordings will start the 16th of March at the Whatabout Music studio with producer Dave Bianchi and will be released May 9th of 2013!

We created Verkami page so you can easily become part of this exclusive project, by pledging your donation. We are truly thankful for any support we get! And Of course you will receive something in return. So, become funder and supporter of the new album! And don't hesitate, share this page with anyone you know!

Support music, support the new album by Maarten Swaan in collaboration with Annie

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